Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek" is an experimental short film made in association between “Y axis Theatre Company” and “Bstudios” production company. The film explores the idea of loneliness and deception, in a society, where it often feels impossible to survive without constantly wearing a mask. The film, has a surrealistic aura. It follows a group of adults playing hide and seek. Their faces are either half painted or fully painted with neon paint, making them visible in the UV light with which the film is shot.

Director: Kat Sigalas
Screenwriter: Nina Fratzeskaki
Starring: Nina Fratzeskaki, Nia Vasileva, Miguel Angelo, Erkida Rista and Marcus Georges
Editor: Kat Sigalas

"Hide and Seek" has eared the "I am Bizzarrya- Best experimental film" Award in the Bizarrya Short film festival. It received an honourable mention in the Golden Lemur festival in Portugal and was a semi finalist in the best experimental Short film category in the Florida shorts film festival. 

The Rabbit Hole


Jaqueline And Clive